Visiting a Dental Office in Houston for Clear Braces Can Save Your Wedding Photos

Posted on: October 1, 2016

Clear Braces Orthodontics OfficeIf you do not like your smile, visit our dental office in Houston for clear braces prior to getting married. These are the pictures you will want to cherish for a lifetime. Taking them is fun, but going through your albums on anniversaries and filling your home with happy smiling faces is even more special. These are the memories you can share with your children and future generations, so make sure your pictures are spectacular. It all starts with a gorgeous smile.

How do I straighten my teeth in time for my wedding?

That really depends on how many months it is until your wedding day and the exact position of your teeth today. Some patients only need to wear braces for six months, while others require them for two years. We can let you know what to expect after we have carefully examined you and taken x-rays. What we can do is to create a treatment plan that is as aggressive as possible without causing any irritation or damage to your teeth and gums. Keeping your scheduled appointments and making sure to follow our exact instructions will also help your treatment to progress faster.

What if I cannot get my braces off in time?

This does happen, especially when the wedding is less than a year away. In this case, you need to visit a clear braces orthodontics office. If you are wearing braces but no one can see them in the pictures, there is not a critical need to have them removed in time. We believe that it is in your best interest to start with clear braces if you are in a situation like this because you cannot say for sure what will happen. What if you get sick and have to miss some of your orthodontist appointments? That could delay your treatment time and prevent you from getting your braces removed prior to the wedding. If, however, your braces were clear, that would be okay.

Is there more than one type of clear braces?

Yes, as a clear braces orthodontics office in Houston, we have two main types of braces that patients are interested in. The first are clear ceramic braces. With this treatment, brackets are bonded to the surface of the teeth just like they are when you wear traditional braces. The difference is that these brackets are created out of tooth-colored ceramic that blends in with your teeth. The wires threaded between them are also tooth-colored, creating a discreet treatment option. The only catch is that you must be diligent with brushing your teeth to make sure they do not stain.

The other option is to wear clear aligners. These plastic aligners are created in the lab and given to you to wear for two weeks at a time before switching to the next one in the set. You need to wear them for around 22 hours per day, and as you do, your teeth will begin to straighten out. Many of our patients prefer this option pre-wedding because the aligners can be removed for photographs.

How do I get started?

Call our Houston dental office and schedule a consultation with a clear braces orthodontics office to discuss your options.


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