How to Prepare for an Appointment With Your Kid’s Dentist

Posted on: September 7, 2019

Thinking you should find a dentist for kids because you are currently experiencing difficulty when it comes to getting your kid to the dental office? As a parent, you know how difficult it can be to get your kid to willingly go to all of their dental appointments. You have probably tried everything you can think of to get them to go when they resist and when nothing works, you wonder what your next step should be? Every parent needs to understand the importance of using a dentist who has been trained in how to deal with kids.

Making kids feel safe

Finding a dentist for kids is something every parent needs to do. A pediatric dentist knows how to make kids feel safe and when kids feel safe, they are more likely to agree to whatever needs to be done during their dental appointment. While most kids will become more agreeable in a dental office that is brightly-colored, full of toys and contains kid-sized equipment, other kids may require a little more assistance, e.g. special behavior guidance methods, deep anesthesia, medical immobilization.

How to prepare for a kids’ dental appointment

The following is a list of beneficial information that will help parents prepare their kids for their next dental appointment.

Give them plenty of advance notice

Kids need to be given plenty of advance notice as this helps them mentally prepare for their dental appointment. Tell them in the simplest terms the reason for the appointment and what will happen during the appointment. Tell them to not hesitate when it comes to asking any questions they want answers to.

Be honest

One of the worst things parents can do is to not be completely honest with their kids regarding their dental appointment or dental treatments. Kids need to be able to trust their parents when they are given information. Even a little white lie can make it so kids no longer trust their parents, which is going to make it more difficult to get them to the dental office.

Role play

Role playing is ideal when it comes to helping kids be more comfortable about going to the dental office. Parents should first pretend to be the dentist, making sure to be very friendly and accommodating when pretending to explore their teeth for any ‘cavity bugs’. The kid can then take their turn being the dentist, exploring their parent's mouth to ensure that it is indeed healthy.

Let them bring items of comfort

If kids want to bring an item on comfort with them to the dental office, this should be encouraged. Common items of comfort include wearing a favorite shirt, bringing a small blanket, bringing a stuffed animal and bringing one or two favorite books.

Need to make an appointment?

Our dentist for kids is one that knows exactly what to do to get your kid to willingly participate in their dental appointment. Most kids will resist going to their dental appointment. This is often due to the fact that they do not understand why they need to undergo regular dental appointments. We take the time to explain everything, making your kids more comfortable and therefore less fearful. Ready to make an appointment to support your kid's good oral health?

Are you considering a dentist for kids in the Houston area? Get more information at

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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